Alopecia Hair Loss Solutions
Maryanne Studios has custom solutions to cater to the needs of those with alopecia. Maryanne is dedicated and uniquely qualified to serve those with special needs. Solutions will be created with you, helping you to return to an appearance that you can be confident with. Each program is custom designed, using proprietary formulations and treatments. Each program is designed exclusively to meet your unique needs.
Types of Alopecia
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is a skin disorder that results in one or more circular bald patches around the scalp. While hair can eventually grow back for some, the problem lasts longer for others. We’ll assess your unique needs and create custom hair pieces that can be seamlessly taped in to fill the gaps.
Alopecia Totalis
While Alopecia Areata is localized to certain areas of the scalp, Alopecia Totalis results in complete hair loss around the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. We’ll work together to customize a wig system for you that can either clip on top of your head, or be taped in using specialized medical tape. Learn more here.
Alopecia Universalis
Alopecia Universalis is the most severe form of Alopecia Areata, and results in a complete loss of hair over the scalp and body. Whether you’ve been clinically diagnosed with this autoimmune disease, or haven’t received a diagnosis but have severe thinning of the hair around your scalp and body, we have various solutions and are experts at selecting the right approach for you, based on your unique needs. See below for our custom solutions.
Real Results Within Months
Our Solutions
Wigs & Hairpieces
We’re experts at fitting, trimming, and styling wigs, so we’ll ensure your hair looks and feels “like you.”
Laser Hair Loss Therapy
Laser Hair Loss Therapy is a safe, nonsurgical, scientific approach to hair growth using laser energy.