Unique Solutions for you

MaryAnne has experience treating a range of conditions, from medical conditions like alopecia and chemotherapy recovery, to pattern baldness in patients of all genders.

Alopecia Patients

Maryanne Studios has custom solutions to cater to the needs of those with alopecia. Maryanne is dedicated and uniquely qualified to serve those with special needs. Solutions will be created with you, helping you to return to an appearance that you can be confident with. Each program is custom designed, using proprietary formulations and treatments. Each program is designed exclusively to meet your unique needs. 

CHEMOTherapy Patients

At Maryanne Studios, we recognize that hair loss from chemotherapy takes an emotional toll on patients. Our goal is to relieve that burden, and we’re uniquely qualified to do so. Our personalized solutions will be created with you, helping you to return to an appearance that you can be confident with. Each program is custom designed, using proprietary formulations and treatments, and created exclusively to meet your unique needs.

women’s hair loss

30 million women in North America experience hair loss. Women’s hair loss can be induced by therapeutic drugs and other medical causes or due to heredity, hormones or nutrition. Whatever the cause, there is relief available. MaryAnne Studios specializes in custom hair restoration and replacement, using advanced techniques and a proven methodology.

Men’s Hair Loss

Men’s hair loss can begin for a variety of medical and hereditary reasons, but can also be agitated by stress, hormone imbalances, or poor nutrition. Whatever the cause you can keep your confidence when you lose your hair. Maryanne Studios offers a variety of services customized for men experiencing hair loss.